In terms of capacity, the backlog in transmission interconnects is 2,600 GW. That is larger than the installed capacity of all power plants currently operating in the US. -Private electrical infrastructure manufacturer exec, citing US DOE data, 2024 Most major OEMs and Utilities I spoke with are starting to book business out in 2028 and 2029 (I have actually heard utilities quoting projects in 2030). -Private electrical infrastructure manufacturer exec, after 2024 trade show [One
Inconceivable! -Vizzini, in the 1987 movie “The Princess Bride” Truth is like poetry. And most people f*cking hate poetry. -“The Big Short”, 2015 Key Points: Foreign ownership share of UST T-Bills has fallen from 49% to 18% since 2014; foreign ownership share of UST notes and bonds, from 63% to 33% since 2008; despite this, many US investors continue to invest as if the declining green lines in the chart on the front page do
Everyone was looking for the next Michael Jordan on the basketball court, but he was walking down the fairway. -Former Nike CEO Phil Knight, circa 2000, on Tiger Woods Key Points: